Curriculum for Level A course (Introductory course)
1. Introduction to Philosophical Practice (counselling)
(Theoretical elements of philosophical counselling)
- What is philosophical counselling? Why philosophical practice (counselling)?
- How PC is different from other forms of counselling? (Clarification of the terms: therapy, counselling, healing, philosophical practice, philosophical praxis, psychopathology-neurosis, psychosis),). Is PC a therapy or not?
- What is philosophical about philosophical counselling? (Philosophizing while counselling)
- History of philosophical practice (counselling)
- Individual counselling, group counselling and counselling of organisations
- Qualification , competence and characteristics of a philosophical practitioner
Patanjali’s Yoga as a therapy, Buddhist Philosophical therapy, J. Krishna Murthy, Bhakti yoga as a therapy, Hellenistic Schools-Epicurus – on happiness, anger, peace of mind( their ethical views), Socratic midwifery( some other thinkers, who’s thoughts have transformal value, may also be discussed.
3. Introduction of approaches to philosophical practice
- Critical thinking approach
- Socratic perspective
- World view approach
- Wisdom approach
- Virtue approach
Detailed study of critical thinking and dialogue Method (Socratic Method) will be given at this stage. (workshops will be conducted for practice of these methods)
For practical training: 15 simulated counseling sessions and at least 5 discussion sessions are required to attend by each candidate.
Suggested Readings:
- Ram Lahav and M.Tillmans ( 1995) : Essays on Philosophical Counselling ( Eds.); University press of America,Inc 1995
- Shlomit C. Schuster (1999): Philosophy Practice- An alternative to counseling and Psychotherapy; Praeger Publishers, USA
- Lou Marinoff(1999): Plato not Prozac; Harper Perennial, USA
- Peter B.Raabe (2001) : Philosophical Counseling-theory and Practice ; Praeger Publishers, USA
- Sharma, K.L. ( 2016); Manviya yatharth ke swara – in Hindi SPPCSH, Jaipur
- Sharma, K.L. ( 2019): Paridhi ke pare- in Hindi, SPPCSH, Jaipur
Curriculum for Level B course (Advanced course) of Philosophical practice
1. Basic issues of philosophical practice- Human Predicaments : Human relations-I and You, Meaning of Life, Freedom, Search for authenticity (These issues should be discussed with the trainees)
- Wisdom, wisdom and philosophical practice
(The controversy regarding method /methods of philosophical practice should also be discussed with the trainees)
- Contemplation – Introspection and Meditation
- Mindfulness technique
- Logic Based Therapy ( LBT)
- Rational Emotive Behaviour therapy (REBT)
- Humanistic Psychotherapy ( Client- centered Psychotherapy)
- Existential Psychotherapy
- Logo therapy
Suggested Books:
- Tim Lebon ( 2007): Wise therapy- Philosophy for counselors, Sage,London
- The foundation of Mindfulness- Satipatthana Sutt, ( 1994): Translated by Nyanasatta Thera, Buddhist Publication Society, Sri Lanka
- Cohen, D.E. ( 2013):Theory and Practice of Logic-Based Therapy: Integrating Critical Thinking and Philosophy into Psychotherapy, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 12 Back Chapman Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2XX, UK
- Albert Ellis (1955): Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: A Therapist’s Guide, 2nd Edition (The Practical Therapist)
- Irvin D. Yalom (1980): Existential Psychotherapy , USA
- Carl R. Rogers (1951): Client-Centered Therapy, Prime Books
- Victor E. Frankl (2006): Man’s Search for Meaning , Beacon Press, Boston
- Morten Tolboll ( 2008): Meditation As An Art of Life- Basic Reader, E-Book